Friday, August 7, 2009

Julie & Julia

Being a huge fan of the Food Network and Julia Child, there was no way I was not seeing this movie as soon as possible and my fellow movie watchers who jam-packed the 7:30 p.m. showing at my local AMC theater seem to have agreed. The movie did not reveal anything I did not know about Julie Child and her life but seeing her come to life again by the incomparable Meryl Streep blew me away. I always knew Meryl was a wonderful actress but her performance here was as spellbinding for me as Heather Ledger's was in The Dark Knight as the Joker. The parallel story of Julie, played by Amy Adams, is very good and interwoven with Julia's story expertly by Nora Ephron with great supporting performances by Stanley Tucci and Chris Messina. This is a must see film for all fans of Meryl Streep and Julia Child that showcases amazing talent and an extraordinary life.

Click here to check out the official website.

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